With more than 20 years of experiences in the construction industry. I've worked closely with shipping companies around the world. In February 2012003, when the One and Only Palmilla project was launched, we Kerzner International Development Limited, needed a single transportation company to handle all the cargo movement and more importantly maintain complete and accurate control over every aspect of the operation from importing to cargo tracking.

Our challenge was to find a company with an unrivaled on time service standard into Mexico plus a global network capable of handing the logistics for all types of cargos originating in the Far Easte, Europe, Canada and the United States.

Over the last year ALISER has proven itself to Kerzner International Development Limited as the leader among transportation companies in the Baja California Peninsula and Mexico. Where most transportation companies provide importing and trucking services only ALISER has offered much more. The Aliser team has become an integral part of the Kerzner International Development Limited structure commited to build a world renowned Hotel and overseeing the movement of more than 20 million dollars in project cargo.

Building cargo and furnishing a 180 room Hotel with Restaurants, water features, Health Spa and landscaped garden has been accopmplished, in the large part, due to unyielding determination and dedication of ALISER.

What's more ALISERS team in San Diego and La Paz continue to go the extra mile everyday, your entire staff deserves to be recognized for their personalized care and expertise.

Based on our specific requirements, we choose ALISER for its outstanding reputation as an import export transportation company with the best all around service and since that time, we have never looked back.

Brian O Grady
Logistic Manager
Kerzner International Development Limited